Fraud Blocker San Joaquin General Hospital » CloudKrest
Website Design | Social Media Marketing | SEO | PPC Ads | Embroidery | Branding
A Leading Digital Marketing & Web Design Company in San Joaquin County

San Joaquin General Hospital

san joaquin general hospital main

The Objective

This opportunity was outsourced to us by a local marketing and PR firm. The CloudKrest team was asked to jump in and modernize the hospital website by building a custom backend and content management system. Due to the nature of the company they wanted a more custom solution that is more secure and one that’s able to handle multiple languages inputs. So we set out to build a very simple yet functional website for the hospital and its divisions.

Mobile First Mentality

SJ general Mobile view
SJ general Mobile view 2

Custom Backend Content Management System

san joaquin general hospital cms main






Don and his team has executed a brilliant job with our website and design revision. His attentive attention to our requests and details online has lent itself to an excellent active site. We would recommend CloudKrest to anyone needing professional web design and maintenance.

Don Mudlaige Profile 150x150 1 1

Don Mudalige | Founder

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