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What is content marketing? Why is it important?

Content marketing is the art of empowering your audience to make informed decisions by educating them through a steady stream of valuable, relevant, and consistent content. Instead of pitching them your product or services directly, you create, distribute, and market useful content that your audience uses to solve their problems.
What is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing Demystified

So, you’ve heard about this thing called “content marketing” but you’re not sure what it is. Or maybe you think your company needs to do more content marketing, but you have no idea where to start. Either way, we’re here for you. In this overview of content marketing, we’ll cover everything from the goals of content marketing to the different types of content and tactics that work best with different audiences.

The goals of content marketing

The goal of content marketing is to build trust and credibility with your audience, establish relationships with them, educate them on relevant topics or opportunities, provide value in the form of information or entertainment, and deliver a consistent stream of valuable, relevant, and consistent blog posts.

How to create effective content for your audience

  • Create content that is valuable, relevant, consistent, and useful to your audience.

  • Create content that is entertaining and educational.

Content marketing tactics to consider

Content marketing includes a variety of tactics. It’s not just blogging, although blogging is one of the most popular content marketing tools. For example, email marketing can be used to build your audience and generate leads by sending relevant emails with useful information such as case studies and how-to articles.

  • Social media is another way to reach your target audience on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Social media campaigns can include videos, live chats or Q&As with experts in your industry, giveaways that encourage engagement and sharing (like sweepstakes), contests or polls which increase user interaction on social channels (such as asking people their favorite aspect of a new product), sponsored posts or advertising targeted towards

  • Blogs are often considered at least partially responsible for bringing about the widespread adoption of internet technologies back in the early 2000s thanks largely due to blogging platforms like WordPress allowing anyone interested enough into becoming writers themselves by making authoring easy enough even if they’ve never done anything remotely similar before.”

  • Editorial: This type of content is what you would normally find on a website and includes news articles, blog posts, and other forms of original writing.

  • Native: Native advertising is similar to editorial in that it isn’t paid-for but rather created by an advertiser with the intention of blending into your regular content.

  • Sponsored: Paid-for advertisements are clearly marked as such and aren’t meant to be confused with editorial or native content. They usually appear within editorial articles, such as banner ads or advertorials—articles that are branded as online magazines or newspapers but are actually written by advertisers who pay for them to be published.

  • Video: Videos are becoming increasingly popular with brands because they’re able to tell stories in an engaging way with minimal effort (as long as you have some decent equipment). Videos also tend to perform well on social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube because people like watching them on their phones while commuting.

  • Infographics: Infographics combine illustration techniques with data visualization techniques in order to present information visually instead of just listing off facts.

  • Podcasts: Podcasts are essentially radio shows that come out on demand through digital devices such as smartphones and tablet computers (hence why they’re often referred

Content is King - How to write SEO optimized blog article

Content marketing is the art of empowering your audience to make informed decisions by educating them through a steady stream of valuable, relevant, and consistent content. Instead of pitching them your product or services directly, you create, distribute, and market useful content that your audience uses to solve their problems.

For example, You’re not going to buy a car from reading an article about which car company is the best; you need information on the different cars available on the market before making a decision. Or maybe you’re looking for inspiration for your new home renovation project—you’ll likely start by reading articles about interior design ideas before looking into materials or hiring contractors.

Content marketing is a great way to build trust with your audience and help them solve their problems through your content. It can also help you build authority and credibility in your field and generate leads for your business. The key is to create valuable, relevant, consistent content that people actually want to read (and share).

Don Mudalige - Founder CloudKrest | digital Marketing & Web Design

Don Mudalige | Founder

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