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Website Design Trends – Keeping up with the latest design trends

Website Design Trends and ideas

Keep up with the latest design trends and showcase your company's ability to implement them.

We’re constantly surrounded by design trends, both in the real world and on the internet. Design trends are more than just aesthetics; they reflect what we value as a society and how technology has changed our lives. The following six trends are shaping the future of web design — so pay attention!

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a key feature of modern web design. It’s a style that allows your website to adapt to different screen sizes, from desktop PCs all the way down to mobile phones.

Responsive design isn’t the same thing as adaptive design, though they do have some similarities. Adaptive websites are optimized for individual devices like smartphones or tablets but don’t change based on other factors like screen size or orientation–they’re essentially just optimized versions of their desktop counterparts. RWDs are more flexible and can be completely tailored for each device type so you don’t need separate versions for each platform (which tends to be cost-prohibitive).

Trimap International Website was designed and developed by Cloudkrest
Responsive Website Design completed for Sal's Eats.

Flat Design

Flat design is a minimalist design style that focuses on simplicity and realism. This isn’t just a trend, but an evolution of design. Flat design has been around since 2009 when Apple introduced its iOS operating system with a flat interface. But it didn’t become popular until 2013 when Android released its own version of flat apps in KitKat 4.4+.

Flat websites are easier to maintain than traditional ones because they use fewer images and colors, thus making them lighter and faster loading times for users on mobile devices (which now make up over half of all website traffic).

Trimap International mobile website view as designed and developed by Cloudkrest
Sals eats Mobile view 2


Cards are a design element that can be used to display content. They’re a great way to showcase your company’s skills, personality and ability to implement the latest trends. Cards are also useful for navigation and information.

Cards are typically used as tabs or buttons (think of them like buttons on an iPhone or a carousel on a website ), but they can serve many other functions as well. They’re great for displaying images or text in an easy-to-digest way that doesn’t take up too much space on the screen–and gives visitors something interesting to look at while they wait for more information about something else on your site!


Microinteractions are small, simple interactions that can be used to give users feedback or to guide them through a process. They’re often found in apps and websites, but they can also be used in physical products. Microinteractions are usually triggered by an action–for example, when you click on an image or button on your screen.

As a designer, it’s important to keep up with the latest design trends so that you can showcase your company’s ability to implement them effectively!

Button Interactions

Image Interactions

Content Interactions

I am da Best


Parallax Scrolling

Parallax scrolling is a technique that creates the illusion of depth in a two-dimensional image. It does this by shifting the background layers at different speeds, giving you the feeling of movement as you scroll down your website or app.

Parallax scrolling has been used in websites and mobile apps for years now and it’s still going strong! You can see it on websites like Pinterest, Facebook and Tumblr as well as apps like Pokemon Go (before they removed it). In fact, parallax scrolling has become so popular that there are whole communities dedicated to creating tutorials on how to implement this design trend into your own projects

Parallaz Scrolling Effect

Ink Drop Visuals

Ink drop visuals are a great way to convey a message. They can be used in any number of ways, including the following:

  • As the main focus of your website’s homepage or landing page. These will often act as an introduction to your company, so they should be eye-catching and informative.
  • In blog posts or other content pieces where you want to show off some cool things that you’ve done recently (for example, if it’s been a while since someone visited your site). This will keep people engaged with what they’re reading while also inspiring them with new ideas for what they might do next!

Focused UX Design

UX design is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product. It’s a key factor in determining whether customers will use a website or not.

A focused UX design should be able to help users achieve their goals quickly and efficiently while also providing them with an enjoyable experience.

Animated and interactive content

Animations are a great way to keep your users engaged. For example, you could use animation to highlight key points or draw attention to important information.

Animated content can also be used as feedback, such as showing the progress of a task or providing visual cues for interactive elements such as buttons, inputs and drop-down menus.

Keep up with the latest design trends and showcase your company's ability to implement them.

With the latest design trends changing all the time, it can be hard to keep up. But don’t worry! We’ve compiled a list of the top 5 things you need to know about design trends in 2019:

Designing for the user is still important

Designing for your business and technology may seem like more urgent priorities, but if you want your website visitors to engage with your brand and convert into customers or clients then they need an experience that works well on their devices (and browsers). This means considering their screen size, whether they use touchscreens or not, what type of internet connection they have access too etc.. You also need to make sure that any content such as videos or animations play smoothly without causing any delays because otherwise people will simply leave without completing their task on hand which defeats the whole point of having an online presence!

In conclusion, there are many design trends that you can follow and implement on your website to make it look more modern and appealing. It is important to keep up with these trends so that your website doesn’t look outdated or out of place.

Don Mudalige - Founder CloudKrest | digital Marketing & Web Design

Don Mudalige | Founder

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