Fraud Blocker Magento Product tutorial - How to add products in Magento
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How to Add Products in Magento

Learn how to add products in Magento. This tutorial will give you step-by-step instructions on how you can add simple and configurable products to Magento.
How to add products in Magento

This tutorial will give you step-by-step instructions on how you can add simple and configurable products to Magento. We will be concentrating on the most commonly used Simple product type in Magento.

If you are not sure about the different product types, Click on this link to find out a detailed explanation on the Different Types of Magento Products Used.


  • Log in to the Magento Dashboard
  • Navigate to Catalog >> Manage Products
  • Click on Add Product  button in the upper right-hand corner
  • Select the Simple Product option (default) under the product type drop-down list
  • Fill out all the necessary fields relating to our product
  • All required fields are noted with an  (*)asterisk. These sections NEED TO BE FILLED. before you can save the product.
  • Once All the necessary fields are filled click on the Save button to add your product to Magento.
  • Below I have highlighted some important fields you need to keep in mind while filling out your product.



  • General >> SKU – Stock Keeping Unit: Must be unique to every single product you add
  • General >>Status – Controls whether you want to display the product in your store
    • enabled – Displays the product
    • Disabled – Removes the product – But you can still have it in your back end for future use
  • General >> Visibility – Controls visibility on your store
    • catalog – Displays products in the category pages as well as product archives
    • Search – Displays the product under search results
    • Catalog, Search – Displays the product in both archives and search results
  • Meta Information – Helps with Search Engine Optimization for your product
  • Images – Controls the display images you want to set for the product
  • Inventory – You can set guidelines about your inventory
    • Manage stock
      • Yes: the system will deduct the inventory accordingly for the original amount set
      • NO: The system disregards inventory and sells the product
  • Categories – Controls which category or categories your product will belong to
  • Custom Options – You can add product options like size, color, etc.

How to Add Product Options to a Simple Product

  1. Navigate to Custom Options under Add New Product
  2. Click Add New Option
  3. Fill in the title, Input type, Required, and sort order  E.g:
    1. Title: Color
    2. Input Type: Drop Down
    3. Required: Yes/No
    4. Sort Order – Controls which option shows first if you set several options like size, color, etc.
  4. Then you can add the different options under your main custom option
    1. Eg : Color — you can add different color option like black, red, blue etc.
  5. Click on Add New Row
    1. Fill in the necessary fields.
    2. You can add additional prices for the product should you chose to, when you are adding these options.

This Concludes our tutorial on how you can add simple products to Magento. I hope you found the instructions helpful and we wish the best of luck in your business ventures.

If you need additional help with Magento Store Design, Management or SEO, Feel free to give us a call and we will do our best to help.

Don Mudalige - Founder CloudKrest | digital Marketing & Web Design

Don Mudalige | Founder

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