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How To Add Images To Your WordPress Website

Learn How To Add Images to your WordPress Website

WordPress Offers a variety of ways to upload images to your website

  1. Media Upload Function – Great option to upload images in bulk
  2. Adding Images to pages/Posts Directly


Let’s find out how you can upload Bulk images using the Media Upload Function

  1. Log in to the WordPress Dashboard
  2. Navigate to MEDIA option on the left menu. You will be give 2 options
    • LIBRARY – You can select previously Uploaded Files using this method
    • ADD NEW –  you can upload images in bulk by simply using the drag and drop function or by clicking SELECT FILES
  3. By using the method indicated above you can upload images in bulk or one at a time.


How To Attach Images to a Page or a Post

I this section I will be providing simple instructions on how you can add images to pages/posts in your WordPress Website. Before we continue you will need to know How to add a Post | How to add a Page to your Website.

When adding images to your posts/pages you will come across several options related to uploading images. Namely:

  • Add a single image
  • Add an image gallery
  • Add a featured image
  • Add an image using a URL


How To Add a Single Image

Example of a medium size image with Center alignment
Example of a medium size image with Center alignment
  1. Navigate to the page/post you want to add the image
  2. Click on ADD MEDIA button on top of your page/post Text Editor
  3. You can chose to upload an image using the LIBRARY or UPLOAD FILES option we described above
  4. Once you select the image you can specify the size of the image you want to attached to your page/post. WordPress default media settings will provide you with 4 choices. Learn how to Change Default Image sizes in WordPress
    • Thumbnail Size
    • Medium Size
    • Large Size
    • Original Size (Image original dimensions)
  5. You Select the image size and Image Alignment you want to upload to your page/post.
  6. To attached the image click INSERT INTO POST  button.
  7. Click UPDATE to save changes to your post/page. Example image attached above


How to add Image Gallery

  1. Click ADD MEDIA button on top of your text editor
  2. Then click Image Gallery
  3. You can choose to upload new Files or select From Library
  4. Once you select the images you want to attach to the gallery. Click CREATE A NEW GALLERY 
  5. Select the number of Columns to display and the Image Size
    • In this example I will be choosing Thumbnails and 4 columns
  6. To attach the images to the page /post click INSERT GALLERY 
  7. Click UPDATE to save your changes, See the example above for final result.


How to set a Featured Image

  1. Once you click ADD MEDIA button
  2. click FEATURED IMAGE from the left menu
  3. Select the image you want to attach (Library or Upload File)
  4. Click INSERT INTO POST to attach the image to your post/page
  5. based on the template settings on your WordPress template. This image will be use as the feature image display.
    • On my Website this will be the full width image on top of the page. This is an important image incase you have previews of blog posts on your archive pages of your site
  6. Click UPDATE to save your changes to your page/post


How to add an image using a URL

Add images to your Wrodpress website
This is an example of an image attached using a URL
  1. Once you click ADD MEDIA button
  2. click INSERT FROM URL from the left menu
  3. Copy and paste the url of the image you want to attach
    • This can be a url / image path from any website and does not have to be specific to your uploaded images
  4. Click INSERT INTO POST to attach the image to your post/page
  5. Click UPDATE to save your changes to your page/post.


 Additional Tips while attaching Images

  • It will be a good practice to insert a caption, ALT text and description when you upload images in to your WordPress Website, as this will help you immensely in your SEO campaigns
  • Learn more about Search Engine Optimization


Don Mudalige - Founder CloudKrest | digital Marketing & Web Design

Don Mudalige | Founder

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