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The Difference Between Static and Dynamic Web Pages

"What is the difference between static and dynamic web pages?" It's a question I get asked frequently as a web developer. Follow me as I explain these differences using easy to understand examples.

Understanding the Differences Between Static and Dynamic Web Pages

One of the frequent inquiries I handle as a web developer at CloudKrest is, “What distinguishes static from dynamic web pages?” This question is vital for clients seeking cost estimates for their web design projects due to the cost differences between developing a dynamic site, such as those powered by WordPress, versus a more straightforward static site. This guide will demystify the contrasts between static and dynamic web pages, enabling you to make informed decisions about your upcoming web design endeavors.

What is a Static web page or website?

Static websites are models of simplicity, composed of web pages with fixed content. Each of these pages is encoded in HTML, presenting identical information to all visitors. Due to the ease of creating static websites, they are the most basic website type. They eliminate the need for complex web programming or database design. In essence, building a static site involves crafting several HTML pages and uploading them to a web server.

How To Identify a Static website?

A multitude of static websites populate the Internet. Identifying them immediately might not be possible, but a basic website for a smaller company that delivers straightforward information is likely static. As static websites can only be updated by someone with web development knowledge, they are the most cost-effective to develop and host. Therefore, many smaller firms adopt them to create a web presence. Here at CloudKrest, we offer consultation and development services for both static and dynamic websites. To truly understand static websites, some fundamental knowledge of coding languages like HTML and CSS, the primary languages used to code static websites, is beneficial.

Some easy ways to spot a Static website

The Pros and Cons of Static Websites



What is a Dynamic Website or Web Page?

A site whose construction is controlled by an application server processed by server-side scripts. Here are some ways you can identify dynamic Web pages.

Though dynamic websites may be more expensive to develop initially, their multiple benefits offset the higher price. A dynamic website provides site owners with the flexibility to readily update and add new content, such as news and events, through a simple browser interface. The dynamic features of a site are bound only by imagination, with examples ranging from a content management system and e-commerce system to bulletin/discussion boards and intranet or extranet facilities. It also enables clients or users to upload documents, and administrators or users to generate content or add information to a site, epitomizing dynamic publishing.

The Pros and Cons of Dynamic Websites



Summary: Difference between static and dynamic web page

While many websites from the past decade are static, a growing number of people are recognizing the advantages of dynamic websites. Dynamic websites allow you to maximize your site’s potential, using it as a tool or creating a professional, compelling experience for your visitors. Unsure if your website needs a revamp? Check out our guide on ’10 surefire ways to know you have an outdated website.’ This article aimed to unravel the complexities faced by website owners when deciding between a static or dynamic website. If you’d like to discuss this article or have any questions, feel free to contact us at CloudKrest, a Stockton-based creative web design agency, catering to both small and large companies globally with dynamic and e-commerce website solutions.

Don Mudalige - Founder CloudKrest | digital Marketing & Web Design

Don Mudalige | Founder

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